Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amazing Grace

If you will see my previous blog, I was very much looking forward to this month. Aside from the reason that it's a Christmas month, it is somehow a downtime also for me at work. I'm always on a vacation during December but this year I just decided to stay. With much looking forward, unexpected and unplanned things happen at work. My hope of having a downtime and just being able to enjoy all December events somehow turned the other way. At the start of the month, I got so busy with work. I missed my target date of sending out cards and gifts. I am a bit behind in buying Christmas presents. I wasn't able to do some personal things. And, even if I was in the party yesterday, I still missed half of the party. And today, I was suppose to attend a big event at the church, but I can't because anytime I will  be in a bridge call again. This wasn't what I imagined how my year would end. 

But don't get me wrong. I'm not grumbling or complaining. I love my job and I know sometimes there are things that we need to sacrifice like personal time. At the end of the day, when I feel so exhausted, or even at the middle of the day, and I would just take a restroom break at work. I would just talk to God, telling Him that He knows what's going on, and that I'm tired, but I just trust Him. I always look back on how my day went and I would always be in awe. Because I know that I would never make it without Him. I'm not the best or expert in my job but I always try to give all my best, binding it with prayers. I always ask God three things every morning before going to work - sustaining grace to make me go on without grumbling, wisdom to provide good decisions when needed and guidance not to do anything wrong that would cause more problems. And amazingly, God made me finish each day this week well. Tired but fulfilled.

Busy and challenging days aren't over yet. It just started actually. But another thing I am also grateful for, are the people around me. I'm blessed that the people whom I needed help to accomplish my tasks don't make things more difficult for me. And of course, the Edson guys. I'm blessed to have them around. They would bring me food on days I skipped meals at the office. Help me in the chores that I was suppose to be doing. Provide inputs on technical stuff.  And just cheer me up when I look so exhausted. 

As always, I just want to thank God for being my Rock and my Helper.  Indeed, there is nothing I can accomplish apart from Him.

How about you? How has God been working in your life lately? 

I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

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