Friday, August 26, 2011

[Journey on Waiting 4] Right Wave

Last night, we watched the movie "Soul Surfer" during the Thursday Life Group at Coastal Church. It was my second time to watch the movie but it spoke to me differently last night. If you have watched it, you would remember the scene when Bethany's dad told her to wait for the right wave. That in the midst of the silence, you will learn to be patient. 

For the past weeks, I've been in an emotional roller coaster ride.  Most of these days are my longing for my family and friends. And because of this, my focus and desire started to shift to hoping that I could have someone here that I can just be with. And yes, I've been bugging God about it. But last night, I was reminded of waiting. Trusting. Being patient. I asked God so many questions and even reminded Him of some things as if He is not aware of everything. And everything always boils down to, just wait.

I know that this is really just an emotional struggle for me. I realize what difference it could really make when you're surrounded with people who love, encourage and care. But God is really amazing. He keeps me sane. He sustains me. He never let me go. 

I know that my right wave will come even if  things seem so quiet and I can't really see anything clearly. I just have to continue trusting to the only Author of my life.

Glory to Him. :)

"For to me, to live is Christ..."


  1. 1. I have a copy of Soul Surfer but haven't watched it yet! Want to invite the whole dgroup for a movie time here in our apt. Wish you were here. Di bale, paguwi mo!
    2. I'm going through the same thing emotionally. There are just days when I yearn to experience love romantically. I know it's normal for us, but it's hard. Let's pray for one another, sisters can be accountable to each other even if they're miles apart right?
    3. I love the "right wave" analogy. Our right wave will come at the right and patience indeed.
    4. Thanks for sharing this post! It's very uplifting. :) God bless you more pepz!

  2. yay! yup, ask the girls to watch the movie... :) it's just a great comfort that we have one another to pray for each other... i know all of us singles have to go through this sometimes...and yes, it is normal.. but it teaches us to really trust and wait on God... that's the best part there :)
